Super D-Canter Centrifuge:
Part arya Eng. Co. as a local partner of Pennwalt Co. is engaged in supply, fabrication and commissioning and after sale supports for super decanter centrifuge solid – bowl centrifuge for effective separation of slurries into liquid solid phases.
Super decanter centrifuge adds to improved production operation, lesser controls and minimum supervision. This machine can handle a wide range of solid particles from 6mm dia. To a few microns and slurry concentration varying from 0.5 % to 65 % ww.
In comparison with conventional solid-liquid separation methods, this machine has minimum power consumption, saving energy, space, manpower and maintenance cost. It can mitigate or eliminate expensive preconditioning of feed.
All wear prone areas of centrifuge feed zone, solids discharge, bowl and scroll are protected by hard surfacing or developed protection system using inserted tungsten carbide tiles, which could modify wear resistance up to so times more than hard facing materials.